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Bristol Knot

How to tie the Bristol Knot. The Bristol or No Name Knot offers an easy and streamlined method to connect a shock line or tippet to a doubled line such as a Bimini Twist. It will pass through rod guides smoothly and can also be effective for attaching braided lines to monofilament. The Bristol Knot out-tested the Albright Special and the Double Uni in tests conducted by the IGFA.

Scroll to see Animated Bristol Knot below the illustration and tying instructions.

Bristol Knot


Bristol Knot Tying Instructions

  • Tie a Bimini on the class line, making the loop fairly short. Insert the leader through the loop.

  • It helps to keep your index finger hooked around the leader to maintain a loop at the beginning of the knot. Wrap the tag end 5-7 times around the doubled line.

  • Bring the tag end back to start of the knot and pass through loop held by your index finger (under the first turn and over the doubled line loop).

  • Tighten the knot by moistening the lines with saliva and pulling on both the standing part of the leader and the double line. Trim the tag end, which should protrude at a 90-degree angle.


Swiffy Output

Disclaimer: Any activity involving rope can be dangerous and may even be life threatening! Knot illustrations contained in this web site are not intended for rock climbing instruction. Many knots are not suitable for the risks involved in climbing. Where failure could cause property damage, injury, or death, seek professional instruction prior to use. Many factors affect knots including: the appropriateness of knots and rope materials used in particular applications, the age, size, and condition of ropes; and the accuracy with which these descriptions have been followed. No responsibility is accepted for incidents arising from the use of this content.