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Offshore Swivel Knot

How to tie the Offshore Swivel Knot. The Offshore Swivel Knot is an exceptionally strong knot to attach a swivel or a hook to a line. Its often touted benefit is that if one strand breaks, the other will probably hold. It is often used in conjunction with the Bimini Twist Knot to create the double line connection. The Offshore Swivel Knot is one of 12 great fishing knots included on the Pro-Knot Saltwater Fishing Knot Cards (click to see).

Scroll to see Animated Offshore Swivel Knot below the illustration and tying instructions.

Note that there is a slight difference between the static illustration below and the annimation. The drawing depicts a twist being put in the line before the loop is passed back over the swivel. This is the method recommended by fly fishing legend Lefty Kreh, well known Australian saltwater fishing guide Geoff Wilson and many others. The animation shows a true Cat's Paw being tied. To further confuse the issue, Lefty Kreh's book illustrations start with showning the twist but by step four his illustration looks for all purposes to be a true cat's paw (lacking the forementioned twist). Add to that Mr. Geoff Wilison showing a twist but referring to the knot as the "Cat's Paw"! Both versions work admirably as a double line knot. The question only arises as to which version is better if one side of the double gets cut during the fight with a fish. Our tests indicate that the true cat's paw (without the twist) remains slightly more stable with only one line pulling.


Offshore Swivel Knot


Offshore Swivel Knot Tying Instructions

  • Thread the loop of the double line through the eye of the swivel and make a twist in the loop.

  • Fold the end of the loop back onto the double line above the swivel.

  • Hold the loop against the double line and rotate the swivel through the opening 3 to 6 times
Swiffy Output

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