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Haywire Twist

How to tie the Haywire Twist Knot. The haywire twist is considered by big game fishermen to be the strongest connection for joining wire to a hook, lure or swivel. It can also be used to make a loop in the end of a wire leader. The first twists are called haywire wraps and the second twists are considered barrel wraps. It is the combination of the two that make the Haywire Twist so dependable.

Scroll to see Animated Haywire Twist Knot below the illustration and tying instructions.

Haywire Twist


Haywire Twist Knot Tying Instructions

  • Thread the wire through the eye of the hook or swivel. Hold the loop between the first finger and thumb of the left hand, or even as some do, in a pair of pliers. Cross one strand of wire under the other strand. Grip the two strands between finger and thumb of the right hand and twist.

  • Make sure that the standing part of the wire and the tag end cross each other at an angle in excess of 90 degrees. This is the critical part of tying the Haywire. If they do not have sufficient angle, you will find that one wire is only wrapping around the other. You also must twist both at the same time so that they are both crossing each other. Make at least 3 1/2 haywire wraps.

  • After you have made the haywire wraps start to make your first barrel wrap. To do this, push the tag end until it is at a right angle to the standing part. Then make about five (barrel) wraps around the standing part with the tag end.

  • Bend the tag end into a little "handle" and use that to rock the handle back and forth until the wire breaks at the last barrel wrap. Never cut the wire with pliers as that will leave a dangerous burr that can make a nasty cut to hand or finger.

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