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Knot Tyer Nail Knot

How to tie the Knot Tyer Nail Knot. The Tie-Fast Knot Tyer (Buy one here) is a handy tool for tying a Nail Knot on a fly line. This knot can be used to attach backing to a fly line and a leader to a fly line. The inexpensive tool which is called a Tie-Fast Knot Tyer makes short work of tying the Nail Knot. Instructions come with the tool but in case you have lost them, here is how to tie the Nail Knot.

Scroll to see Animated Knot Tyer Nail Knot below the illustration and tying instructions.


Tie Fast Knot Tyer Nail Knot Tying Instructions

  • Hold the tool in the palm of either hand. Place the leader (or backing if that is what you are attaching to the fly line) between the metal guides, on top of the pad and through the tips. Run at least 6 inches beyond the tip of the tool and hold in place with the thumb of the hand holding the tool.

  • Make 4 or 5 tight wraps around the tips of the tool working back toward your thumb.

  • Feed the tag end of the line under the coils just made and back out the tip of the tool.

  • Holding coils in place on the tool with your thumb, feed the end of the fly line into the tip of the tool under the coils and out about a half inch past the coils.

  • Hold everything in place gently and give a quick tug on the tag end of the leader or backing. This causes the knot to slide off the tool and onto the fly line. Make any adjustments needed and tighten down the knot firmly. Trim tag end and fly line close to the knot.


Swiffy Output

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