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Kryston Non Slip Loop Knot

How to tie the Kryston Non Slip Loop Knot. Also known as the Kryston Loop Knot for short, the inventor of this excellent  non slip loop knot, Dave Chilton, humbly says it has no name! As the founder of the UK fishing products company Kryston, the knot has been called the Kryston Non Slip Loop Knot, although in our opinion the "Chilton Non Slip Loop Knot" would have been just as appropriate!

The Kryston Loop Knot is a staff favorite here at NetKnots and has replaced the Kreh Loop (Non Slip Mono Loop) and also the Rapala Knot for most all of our fishing when using a non slip loop to tie on flies and lures. Why? The main reason is that we find it easier to tie in general, and much easier to adjust the loop to a small size when desired. The loop can easily be made very small so as to not snag on dumbbell eyes of streamers or even the hook of small flies.  Now, Chilton says that he believes that this knot performs well in fluorocarbon line, but our tests have not shown that to be true. In monofilament it is every bit as strong as the Non Slip Mono Loop and the Rapala Knot. But as with all the non slip loop knots we test, it fails in fluorocarbon well below the line's rated strength. This is a common theme with the non slip loop knots, and this one fairs no worse than the rest.  

Another benefit of this knot is that the tag end faces away from the direction of retrieve, helping to avoid picking up debris in the water. Learn and practice this outstanding non slip loop knot and we are sure it will become your go-to loop knot as well!

Scroll down to see the animated Kryston Loop Knot below the knot tying tutorial.

How to tie the Kryston Non Slip Loop Knot


Kryston Loop Knot Tying Instructions

  • Tie an overhand knot about six inches from the end of the line, crossing the tag end over the standing and then out the loop just created. Leave the loop open .
  • Feed the tag end of the line through the hook eye and back through the loop from behind (opposite the side of the line it exited) and then repeat, for a total of two times through the loop. You now have a box shaped closed loop behind the loop that holds the fly or lure.
  • By pulling on the standing line you can adjust the "box" to be very small, but still not fully tightened down.
  • Next adjust the size of the non slip loop you desire in front of the fly or lure by holding the top part of the box and gently pulling on the tag end to move the box closer to the hook eye.
  • When the desired loop size is obtained, wet the knot and pull both the tag and the standing lines while holding the fly or lure to tightened the knot down. Then pull on just the standing line.
  • Finish the knot by tying a half hitch (overhand knot) with the tag end around the standing line, wet it and pull tight. This added step is of questionable benefit and we often omit it when in a hurry with no adverse effect having been observed. Trim tag close to the knot. 


Disclaimer: Any activity involving rope can be dangerous and may even be life threatening! Knot illustrations contained in this web site are not intended for rock climbing instruction. Many knots are not suitable for the risks involved in climbing. Where failure could cause property damage, injury, or death, seek professional instruction prior to use. Many factors affect knots including: the appropriateness of knots and rope materials used in particular applications, the age, size, and condition of ropes; and the accuracy with which these descriptions have been followed. No responsibility is accepted for incidents arising from the use of this content.