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NanoFil Knot

How to the NanoFil Knot. Berkley NanoFil is a new fishing line made by Berkley that is made out of gel-spun polyethylene, much like a superline or super braid. According to Berkley, it "consists of hundreds of Dyneema® nanofilaments that are molecularly linked and shaped into a unified filament fishing line." It offers a very thin profile for its strength, zero stretch and zero memory. Like the other super braids, it is very slippery and special knots need to be used.

An interesting knot that Berkley is recommending is their "Nano-Fil™ Knot", which is really just a trusty Palomar Knot with a double overhand knot instead of the single overhand knot. It could just as well be called a Double Palomar Knot! The Palomar is one of just two or three knots that can be used to attach terminal tackle with all of the super braids (Fireline, Power Pro, Spiderwire, etc.). The second pass on the overhand knot should make the Palomar even more secure.

Scroll to see Animated NanoFil Knot below the illustration and tying instructions.

NanoFil Knot



Nano-Fill Knot Tying Instructions

  • Double 6 inches of line and pass end of loop through eye of hook.

  • Tie a loose overhand knot with hook hanging from bottom.

  • Pass working end through the loop created by the overhand knot a second time.

  • Holding the double overhand knot between thumb and forefinger, pass loop of line over the hook. Slide loop above eye of hook.

  • Pull on both the standing line and tag end to tighten knot down onto eye. Be sure that the knot does not get hung up on the hook shank below the eye. Clip tag end close.
Swiffy Output

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