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San Diego Jam Knot

How to tie the San Diego Jam Knot. At one time not particularly well known outside of the sport fishing capital of San Diego this knot is an excellent choice for all line types: mono, fluorocarbon and braided. It also now goes by the names San Diego Knot, Reverse Clinch Knot and Heiliger Knot. Originated as a quick and reliable way to tie the heavy “iron” jigs by the fishermen chasing tuna on the long-range boats venturing into Mexican waters, it is fast and easy to tie. Make sure the knot is fully set by hooking the lure or jig to a fixed object and pulling hard. Use this knot or the Palomar when fishing with braided line. The San Diego Jam Knot is one of 12 great fishing knots included on the Pro-Knot Saltwater Fishing Knot Cards (click to see).

Scroll to see Animated San Diego Jam Knot below the illustration and tying instructions.


How to tie the San Diego Jam Knot


San Diego Jam Knot Tying Instructions

  • Pass end of line through eye of hook or lure. Let a heavy lure hang down or pinch hook between little finger and palm.

  • Loop tag end over index finger and make 7 wraps around the double line down to the eye.

  • Feed tag end between double lines below last wrap and bring back to loop made by index finger. Run through loop and remove finger.

  • Moisten lines and pull tag end tight. Slide knot tight to lure and clip tag end close.
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