Fly Tying Video Instruction
Welcome to the Fly Tying section of NetKnots.com! For over 20 years NetKnots has been teaching people how to tie KNOTS. Now we are teaching how to tie FLIES! In association with Video Ventures and with some of the top-name fly tyers in the country we have about 90 excellent fly tying videos. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel of the video and you will see all of the new videos as we put up more new ones! Classic patterns, beginner patterns, exclusive fish-catching patterns! All flies are tied from point of view (POV) camera by marque names of the fly tying field. Be sure to check out the flies by the late, great Shane Stalcup. This young man was a genius at the vice and sadly left us at a very young age. We have most all of his recorded fly tying instruction here. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. And while there are many other good resources on the internet for fly tying instruction and information, a personal favorite is RiverKeeper Flies by John Kreft. This well presented site has images, recipes and instructions for over 100 great fish catching patterns. Check it out.